Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that allows its users to make calls using the Internet rather than a traditional phone system. It works by converting audio into digital assets and then transferring those through a broadband connection.

Using a VoIP system offers many important benefits:
Managing a cloud-based VoIP solution does not require an investment in expensive equipment. And the right technology partner will handle maintenance, updates, and security. The overall costs is less than a conventional phone system – even long-distance calling is cheaper.
A VoIP system ties into your teleconferencing – an important benefit for any business. In fact, VoIP even can work with a conventional phone using a VoIP converter. For traveling a VoIP system’s phone number travels with you as long as you have access to a high-speed connection or access to email. This is particularly beneficial for remote work, distributed teams, and multi-location businesses.
VoIP systems also integrate well with business applications like help desk, and CRM platforms. This streamlines workflow and supports a better business processes for your team and customers.
In the case of power outages or natural disaster, calls can be rerouted to backup locations or mobile devices due to built-in redundancy. This minimizes downtime and expense for your business – plus the value of peace of mind.

The experts at PSN Technology manage the functions critical to your success, freeing you up to do what you are best at.
Contact us to learn more.
Philipp Emma | philipp@psntech.com | 313-715-3421 (cell)