Powering Remote Workers

Powering Remote Workers

A recent Workshifter article offers advice to professionals working from home. Due to the health risks of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people have been working remotely in 2020, creating challenges ranging from managing teams to keeping data secure. Another...

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A Great Voice Solution for Your Business

A Great Voice Solution for Your Business

The telephone has evolved a lot since the device was first imagined and developed - around the time of the U.S. Civil War. Today it is hard to imagine working productively without a phone that is mobile and can connect you to others - - no matter your location. Many...

Update: Solar Winds Data Breach

Update: Solar Winds Data Breach

Recently you may have seen reports by news outlets and U.S. government representatives this week on data breaches and cybersecurity attacks on our government’s computer systems originating from the Russian Federation. I want to assure you that we are staying on top of...

Powering Remote Workers

Powering Remote Workers

A recent Workshifter article offers advice to professionals working from home. Due to the health risks of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people have been working remotely in 2020, creating challenges ranging from managing teams to keeping data secure. Another...